Profil Pengunjung

  • Arsitek
  • Desainer Interior
  • Arsitek Lanskap
  • Pembeli Marmer Blok
  • Profesional Pabrikan Proses Marmer
  • Perusahaan Marmer
  • Grosir dan Pemasok Marmer
  • Eksportir dan Importir
  • Kontraktor
  • Procurement Perusahaan Konstruksi
  • Pelaksana Proyek, Implementasi dan Restorasi
  • Distributor
  • Konsultan

Admission Policy

Admission to Jakarta Surface Show is free for trade professionals by registration.
Visitor registration is now open 


The Organiser is committed to provide a safe event environment complying to the Indonesian authority’s Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental protocols. All exhibitors and visitors are required to comply to the Organiser’s rules and regulation on admission on site.